Wednesday 1 July 2015

What Is Personality Development

Have you observed when a child enters a room everyone in the room just gets attracted by the child's mere presence? The child doesn't have to make any effort. It all happens naturally. We communicate more by our presence than by our words. But, as we grow up, somehow we miss taking care of this sublime aspect of our lives. Our presence weakens as innumerable impressions of our past experiences accumulate and clog our mind.
How do we restore that child-like freshness, friendliness and naturalness in our lives? This is possible through simple yet powerful breathing techniques. The techniques help cleanse different layers of our existence, right from our body to the subtle layers of our self from stress and past experiences restoring our charm and presence. 
Everyone wants to be successful in life. But, is success just having a big bank balance and a luxurious living? One may have a big bank balance; but, if the body gets sick, one cannot enjoy what one has. Many times, people spend half their health to gain wealth and spend half their wealth to gain back the health. Is this really success?
Imagine a state when your problems stop being problems, you get the strength to willingly face them with a smile and turn them into opportunities. Don't you think this is a sign of a successful person? This is what the Art of Living techniques can get you to.
The earlier you explore yourself with yoga and meditation, the faster you get to accelerate success in all aspects of your life.

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